Legal Cheek

A window into wannabe barristers’ torment on Pupillage Offer Day

Bag a pupillage and you’ve made it into the secret garden of the bar; fail and you’re just another BPTC grad sucker — no wonder wannabe barristers are nervous today

The Student Room‘s popular Pupillage Rejection Thread has enjoyed a lively morning, as legions of wannabe barristers anonymously vent their nerves — and seek solace in each other’s nervousness — on Pupillage Offer Day.

With over 2,000 hopefuls fighting it out for a mere 400 or so pupillages, the stakes are high.

Under such circumstances, it can be difficult to function at work.

Restrictive conditions imposed by strict summer job bosses make the tension even worse.

The risk of a public meltdown is ever present.

Not that dealing with the wait while alone and facing no distractions is necessarily a good idea.

Amid the rising tension, a little twitchiness is understandable…

…as IT paranoia creeps in (possibly with good reason given the Pupillage Gateway’s track record).

The wait continues…

…and suddenly the phone rings!

And it’s back to venting your anxiety online.

Before, eventually, either Outcome A…

…or Outcome B!

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