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Boy who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer during his A-levels is now going to Oxford University to study law

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It’s turning into a very uplifting results day


Today is A-level results day when students find out whether they’ll be going on to study law at the university of their choice.

Across the country, thousands of aspiring lawyers will be jumping for joy this morning — but none more so than Ben Atkins.

The 19-year-old has secured a place at one of the country’s ivory towers, Oxford University, following a long, hard battle with cancer, and even an original diagnosis that it would be terminal.

According to local media reports, Atkins was diagnosed with blood cancer when he was 14 years old when doctors found five tumours in his body.

Having sat his GCSE and AS-level exams whilst having chemotherapy and stem cell transplants (courtesy of his brother), Atkins then received some heartbreaking news. He was told his cancer would be terminal.

Too ill to go back to school to finish his A-levels, Atkins refused to give up, and was finally given the all clear last year.

He had received an offer to study at Sussex University, which he declined. Atkins has now achieved two A*s and an A in his A-levels and is off to study law at Oxford University.

He told local newspaper get bucks:

I didn’t expect these results, I’m so happy. I though I was just going to scrape through with As. I’m so excited to go to university and to learn something new, I’m just so excited for that!

Elsewhere, soon-to-be law students are sharing the positive vibes, as these tweets show:


Even Big Brother runner-up Joel Williams is celebrating!

Congratulations to all those students who have secured the grades to study law this September.

And for those of you who haven’t, well…

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