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Wannabe barrister creates ‘Brexiles’ website to help young people flee Britain

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Oxford grad creates online resource tool in wake of historic referendum vote


An aspiring barrister has created a ‘Brexiles’ website, to help inform and assist young people who are considering leaving the country in the wake of Britain’s decision to turn its back on the EU.

Tom Phillips (pictured above) — who studied philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford University — created Brexiles.com in the early hours of 24 June, as it emerged that Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage were about to land a referendum victory that came as a surprise to many.

With the help of a tech-savvy friend, Phillips, who recently completed his Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) at City University Law School, set up the site (pictured below) to help inform young people — who were considering relocating due to the result — of their various options.


The wannabe barrister — who has completed mini-pupillages at London-based sets Landmark Chambers and XXIV Old Buildings — suggested “for young people the brightest future now lies outside of the UK”.

Advising Britain’s youth to vote with their feet when the “ballot box lets you down” Phillips provides site-goers with 10 reasons why they should pack their bags and head to the nearest airport.

Suggesting that Britain is heading towards another recession, he argues that young people should relocate because they will be “better off” being paid in a different currency.

While claiming that there will never been a better opportunity to “explore the world” and “learn another language”, the Oxford-grad suggests you will actually be happier if you ditch life in Britain.

Phillips — who spent four years living in France as a child — does however reassure those considering the move away that “if, by some miracle, Britain bounces back”, you can always return.

Currently volunteering at the Free Representation Unit (FRU) while pursuing a pupillage, Phillips told Legal Cheek:

Brexit is another blow to the prospects of young people in the UK. I founded Brexiles.com in order to help people explore their options abroad. My generation has grown up in the age of the internet and low-cost airlines — we feel more connected to the rest of the world than ever before. The future is interconnected and our futures will be brighter beyond the confines of an isolated Britain.

Phillips also gives a mini-profile of potential destinations, including Germany, the Republic of Ireland, France, Canada and Australia.

Giving a breakdown of everything from the political situation to the strength of the economy, Phillips flags up the cool start-up scene emerging in Berlin.

Describing it as “even edgier” than hipster-capital Dalston, East London, Phillips suggests that there are some exciting job opportunities for graduates who are suffering post-Brexit blues.

But is Phillips himself going to make the move abroad? He told Legal Cheek:

For now, I am keeping my options open. It is clear to me that, at least in the short-medium term, Brexit will increase demand for legal services. I will therefore continue to pursue a pupillage in the UK. Longer term, I am minded to explore international opportunities.

Phillips also revealed to Legal Cheek that an extension of the site is already in the pipeline:

I am currently compiling a page for Brexiles.com on the technicalities involved with practising law in other jurisdictions and the ease with which one can relocate. Keep an eye out.

You can view Phillips’ site here.

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