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Law school exam horror stories will make you think Halloween’s come early

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But can you guess which one’s a fake and can you top our list?


It’s that time of year: law revision stress has well and truly sunk in.

The exam hall is in sight, and you’re starting to feel apprehensive about what’s to come. You’re up all night worrying about whether you’re going to bring enough pens into the exam hall with you, whether you’ll run out of time, whether that essay you planned on reform of easements is going to come up.

But have you ever worried about your exam being cancelled because of two naughty pigeons? No, we didn’t think so. But maybe you should.

Take a break from the Vandervells and have a look at our comprehensive list of the best exam horror stories. But, just for a bit of fun, we’ve thrown in a fake — can you spot it? We’ll reveal the answer later today.

When you need to go you need to go


There was about 15 minutes left to go in my bar exam, and the guy behind me simply couldn’t hold in his wee. The invigilator wouldn’t let him pop to the toilet, so he just whipped out a plastic bag carrying his pens and pencils and decided to piss in there. After that, he decided to leave anyway, and left the bag of wee on the floor behind me.

Pesky pigeons


One of my law exams had to be cancelled because of two pigeons. They snuck into the room, flew on top of the organs at the back and would not shut up. Students complained and the exam was cut short and rescheduled.

Law and order


Half way through one of my final year law exams, two policemen walked into the gym to speak to one of the invigilators. It all started off pretty calmly at first, but when they asked him to step out, he darted off down one of the rows in the middle of all the students, making jagged turns up and down the rows to try to throw the cops off. After a wild goose chase, a student stuck his leg out and tripped the invigilator up, giving the policemen the chance to arrest him.

Time flies when you’re having fun

Me and my fellow lawyers were working feverishly through our trusts paper. I needed to write four essays in three hours, and I was feeling pretty pushed for time. Every time I looked at the clock, I kept getting the feeling that it was moving faster. I shrugged it off as paranoia, but people around me started to mutter and mumble as if they were feeling the same way. The head invigilator eventually announced that the clock was running fast, but not before it had gained 20 minutes.

Post-exam stress relief


In one of my exams, the lad in front of me finished his paper and decided to start masturbating. No one really knew where to look or what to do, but in the end an invigilator asked him to stop. He slid away to the toilet and didn’t return to the exam.

Property law is sickening


I was in a property law exam in my second year when, all of a sudden, someone threw up all over their statute book. Lucky for them it was a huge exam hall, but still pretty gross.

The President needs me

About 15 minutes into my exam, someone’s phone started ringing super loudly. Out of nowhere, this guy wearing a shirt and tie stood up, answered the call and said “the President needs me? I’m on my way!” He hung up, yanked open his shirt to reveal a Superman outfit underneath, before storming out of the venue while we all cracked up with laughter.

Dedicated to law


I was sat near a pregnant student during one of our final year law exams, and I couldn’t believe my eyes when her waters broke in front of me. But, like a champ, she continued, gave birth to a healthy baby and managed to pass her exam.

UPDATE: 5:00pm Tuesday 3 May
The fake is number three (Law and order). Did you guess correctly?

Got a better exam horror story? Tell us in the comments below.

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