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Video: ‘Oh bollocks!’ MP’s outburst over suggestion that Brexit will cost the legal services market £1.7 billion

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Former justice minister Jonathan Djanogly’s suggestion didn’t go down well with one MP


Conservative MP Michael Fabricant (pictured above) has apologised after responding “oh bollocks” when it was suggested that the legal services industry could be up to £1.7bn worse off if Britain leaves the EU.

The suggestion came from fellow Conservative MP and former justice minister Jonathan Djanogly, who was standing directly behind Fabricant in the House of Commons.

Addressing MPs this morning (video below), Djanogly suggested that most commercial law firms and The Law Society were in agreement that a vote to leave on the 23 June could have a detrimental impact on legal services output. To which Fabricant, somewhat bluntly, can be heard responding “oh bollocks”.

Fabricant has since apologised to the Speaker for his colourful choice of language.

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