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Morning round-up: Wednesday 10 February

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The morning’s top legal affairs news stories


Erol Incedal trial: media groups lose appeal over reporting restrictions [The Guardian]

Married Tory MP “arranged sexy corkscrew gift for City lawyer he pestered for an affair after one-night stand” [Mail Online]

Cameron’s EU claims blown apart as former Attorney General Grieve says we can’t get back powers from Brussels [The Express]

Britain’s quiet constitutional revolution [The Guardian]

Proposed new snooping laws meant to make clear when the police and security services can access your data have been rushed and are full of holes, MPs blast [Mail Online]

Lloyds goes ahead with bond buy-back despite Supreme Court hearing [The Telegraph]

Whoops [Twitter]

#BrexitRisks — Eurosceptics share a joke on Twitter and make up fake consequences of leaving the EU [The Telegraph]

Being gay and being a legal academic [The Limits of Lawyers]

Pro-life group: Scotland will become abortion tourist destination if termination laws are changed [Herald Scotland]

Texas prosecutor officially disbarred for sending innocent man to death row [The Guardian]

Event: What will the solicitor super-exam mean for law students and trainees? [Legal Cheek Hub]

“#sotrendy #veryhipster #muchinnovative #wow” [Legal Cheek Comments]

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