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Research: 74% of lawyers will push workplace boundaries at Christmas party

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Snogging, sex and heavy boozing — it’s festive season for law firms


As we enter the Christmas party period, research has revealed that 74% of lawyers will end up doing something they will end up regretting.

Whether it’s snogging the paralegal, having sex with the senior partner or simply one too many sambucas, lawyers are up their with the best of them according to the latest research.

An independent survey commissioned by lingerie retailer Ann Summers revealed that those working in law are the second most likely to show themselves up at their firm’s Christmas do.

Beaten only by the party animals down in IT, those working in law were more likely to push worplace boundaries than HR staff, bankers and teachers.


Of the 2,000 people questioned across 10 industries, a whopping 39% admitted to having sex at their Christmas party. And the inappropriate behaviour wasn’t just reserved for misbehaving paralegals.

The research revealed that 65% of those who admitted to a little Christmas nooky were doing so with the higher echelons of management. So, senior partners, it might be best sticking to soft drinks, or you could be in front of an employment tribunal come the New Year.

And where do these drunken trysts occur? A quarter of those questioned said the car park was their place of choice, with other popular spots including the boardroom, storage cupboard and even their boss’ desk.

This time last year Legal Cheek unearthed retro footage of elite magic circle firm Slaughter and May‘s Christmas party from the 1980s.

The 23 minute-long video — filmed during the City outfit’s 1981 Christmas bash — shows some rather risqué dancing and is very much of its time.

Expect more law firm Christmas party gossip in the coming weeks.

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