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The billable hour appeal for refugees needs just £20k to hit £200,000

By Ali Mountain on

One last push required, as ‘How to get sued’ fundraiser event is launched


As lawyer LinkedIn madness engulfed the world last week, donations to Sean Jones QC’s amazing billable hour appeal for refugees kept creeping higher.

Last Monday the total raised was just over £100,000. Now — at the time of publication of this article — it’s £178,874.73.

Yesterday Jones took to Twitter to predict that reaching £200,000 might be possible.

So far an incredible 1,403 donations have been made — with a host of big shots handing out £1,000 lump sums. But as another QC, Simon Myerson, pointed out, that still leaves plenty of lawyers left to help nudge the figure over the £200k mark.

You can donate here.

UPDATE: 5:11pmHardwicke barristers Gordon Exall and PJ Kirby QC are hosting How to get sued: Make a loss and be miserable on Tuesday 22 September, with all proceeds going to the billable hour for refugees campaign.

Held at Hardwicke Building in Lincoln’s Inn from 5:30pm-7pm, topics to be covered include

• How to fall foul of limitation periods time after time.
• How to root out and get caught by those limitation periods that are less than three years.
• An easy guide to fouling up service of the claim form.
• The wrong way to agree extensions of time.
• Why court orders and rules are not important and can happily be ignored.
• How to make sure your witnesses fail in their evidence every time.
• How to lose at trial without really trying.
• How to panic and run away when things go wrong.

Registration and welcome drinks are from 5:30pm, the talk starts at 6pm and there are nibbles and wine from 7pm. Tickets cost £100 for lawyers and £25 for students and pupils. All proceeds go to the billable hour for refugees campaign.

To book, please contact billable hour charity event manager Sheraine Rowe at sheraine.rowe@hardwicke.co.uk, who will confirm your place and advise you on how to make payment.

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