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Only a barrister would pay best part of £6k for a dating service

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Who is the mystery woman of the bar looking for love with a man cradling a copy of Emma?


Social media and City of London legal circles have been buzzing with speculation this week over the identity of this “rather special woman” barrister.

Legal Cheek will of course spare all blushes and refrain from going through a list of likely candidates. But we reckon the upper echelons of the commercial bar should be the starting point for those with time on their hands to play the guessing game.

This advertisement from the London Review of Books lonely-hearts section — literary intellectuals only — refers to the upmarket dating agency, Carpe Diem Personal Introductions.

CD targets so-called silver lovers, badging itself as the agency that is “leading the way for a new generation over 50”.

But while the agency caters to the lonely hearted, it is clearly not for the financially faint-hearted. Those keen on the agency’s specialist services must pay a one-off fee of £5,700 for unlimited introductions. Criminal law legal aid lawyers won’t be finding love on this site.

Anyone familiar with the legal profession will also raise a wry smile at the irony of the advert’s headline, in which our girl claims to be “understated”, before going on in the next 100 words to boast not just about her professional prowess, but also top-drawer skiing abilities.

What’s the betting that if she’s not on the judicial bench already, she will be soon …

h/t @benwheway

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