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Legal pic of the day

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‘English Law Day’ in Seoul fails to wow Koreans


Note to the hordes of international department wallahs at the Law Society of England and Wales that were doubtless involved in this junket last week to Seoul: the next time you photograph and tweet the glorious leader — that’s Chancery Lane president Andrew Caplen — at an overseas event, try to make it look as though people actually gave a monkey’s and turned up. Even if they didn’t.

But credit where it’s due — those Law Soc flunkies know a bandwagon when it has trundled past. About 18 months ago, English and US global law firms sharp-elbowed each other as they clambered into Seoul estate agents to bag office space in the South Korean capital.

The legal profession press duly churned out acres of words analysing the issue of if and when the jurisdiction would be further liberalised for foreign legal practitioners. And then, of course, there was much pontificating over if and when the jurisdiction would follow in the most recent footsteps of Dubai and become “over-lawyered”.

And by the time the Law Society turned up … well all the fuss had clearly died down.

The full ‘Legal pic of the day’ collection is here.

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