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Man sues hospital where he woke from operation wearing pink knickers — claim form in full

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A legal blogger has posted online a claim form issued by US lawyers on behalf of a man who woke up from an operation wearing pink knickers.

According to the document, which is re-produced in full below, the man, who is an employee at Delaware Surgery Center, went in for a colonoscopy at the same clinic where he works — and woke up from the anaesthetic clad in the pink pants.


In the complaint filed at the Delaware Superior Court, Weik, Nitsche, Dougherty & Galbraith, the lawyers representing the man, say their client has suffered extreme emotional distress, embarrassment and humiliation as a result of what appears to have been a practical joke that went too far.

The claim makes clear that the man — who has been named in local media reports which picked up on the initial blog post — did not attend the surgery wearing the pink knickers, and didn’t put them on himself prior to the surgery.


Weik, Nitsche, Dougherty & Galbraith are seeking punitive damages for negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress caused to their client, who was forced to leave his job following the incident.

Read the complaint in full:

Walls v Deleware Surgery

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