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Morning round-up: Thursday 12 December

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Ryanair’s racy calendar advert featuring stewardesses in bikinis is “banned” by Spanish judge for being sexist [Mail Online]

Legal aid cuts spark Libor case fears [Financial Times]

French ban on Islamic face veil challenged in court [The Telegraph]

Lawyers don’t make enough money to afford house husbands [Above the Law]

Court of Appeal calls on Supreme Court to resolve conflict between UK and Strasbourg law [UK Human Rights Blog]

Bank worker “punched” the lawyer he allegedly killed [The Herald]

If we can’t even send the Boat Race saboteur back to Oz because it’s “racist”, who can we deport? [Mail Online]

Australia’s top court overrules gay marriage in capital: couples who have wed will have their marriages annulled as unconstitutional [The Telegraph]

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