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Lawyer sues Apple for letting him access porn after typing error

By Ali Mountain on

US lawyer Chris Sevier has filed a claim against Apple for failing to protect him from porn after he accidentally typed “Fuckbook.com” into Google. The misspelling meant that, rather than arrive at Facebook as he had expected, Sevier — who was using Apple’s Safari web browser at the time — was directed to a host of pornographic images. This soon led to “an unwanted addiction” that “poisoned his life”. A full copy of Sevier’s claim seeking damages and injunctive relief against Apple for making devices that can display porn is below. But first the best bits…

Married Sevier, 36, whose porn addiction apparently ruined his marriage, sees himself as very much the victim in all of this.


This sex addiction thing really isn’t Sevier’s fault.


The claim proceeds to allege “Unfair Competition” — between porn stars and Sevier’s wife.


And finally, some broader social reflections.


Here is the full 50 page claim.

Chris Sevier Apple Complaint

As mentioned in the opening paragraph of the claim, the issues within it are summarised by this video made by Sevier and a band he plays in during his free time.

Sevier’s action against Apple comes weeks after an unrelated incident which saw him charged with stalking a country music star, allegedly sending the singer a picture of himself scantily clad in an American flag covered in a substance “believed to be representing blood”.

Since US blog Above the Law broke the news of Sevier’s claim against Apple, it has emerged that the lawyer — who also works as an amateur model, claiming to be 26 — has been placed on disability inactive status by order of the Tennessee Supreme Court, due to “mental infirmity or illness”.

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