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Argent Chambers barrister Jerry Hayes in BBC Question Time nightmare

By Ali Mountain on

Hopes were high when it was announced that criminal barrister and former Tory MP Jerry Hayes was to appear on Question Time last night.

The man who has helped rally the Bar against the government via his excellent blog would now take this message to the country on national TV. Well, that was the plan…

Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out that way.

After Hayes’ plea on behalf of criminal lawyers fell flat with the audience, he decided to use his 15 minutes of fame to articulate a bizarre argument about rape.

Cue mass Twitter rage, as “Jerry Hayes” began trending nationally and the country rushed to lampoon the Argent Chambers barrister.

At which point even fellow members of the Bar turned against Hayes.

I bet Chris Grayling and the boys at G4S slept soundly last night.

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