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Lawyer Who Fell Asleep In Court Blames Hippopotamus-Related ‘Spiritual Attack’ Originating In London

By Ali Mountain on

A human rights lawyer who fell asleep during a hearing in the Ghanaian Supreme Court has put his doziness down to a “spiritual attack” which began following a trip to London where he had an unsettling vision of a hippopotamus…

“In London, while we were asleep, I often saw something like a hippopotamus raising our bed into the air. This strange phenomenon cascaded into a different dimension where I sleep at places at odd times,” Kwabla Senanu is reported to have said by a Ghanaian newswire this morning.

Last month, Senanu admitted falling asleep during a case relating to the legitimacy of the country’s presidential election.

Elaborating on the sleeping phenomenon, Senanu, 55, explained that at another time while he was in court his speech had become blurred and his body weak, seeing him fall asleep suddenly when he was supposed to be on his feet defending a client.

He added that the spiritual attacks had also caused him to have a number of crashes while driving.

Happily, the attacks are said to have abated after Senanu shared his experiences at a recent religious ceremony.

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