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When tweeting from a law firm Twitter account, be sure not to wish ‘death to all police’

By Ali Mountain on

A Canadian criminal lawyer is at the heart of a media storm after several highly offensive tweets referring to the Boston bombing were posted from a law firm Twitter account that he is believed to control.


Alongside the tweet pictured above, which is a reference to the police officer who was shot by the accused Boston bombers last week, @Dasilvalaw is reported by the Toronto Star to have tweeted:

“I pray for the suspects. May they slay the police army of satan. Death to all police!”

The @Dasilvalaw account has since been deleted. But some retweets of @Dasilvalaw’s horrible responses to offended Twitter users remain online, including this one.

The lawyer reportedly behind the account, 34 year-old David Da Silva, has denied that he authored the tweets.

Da Silva’s lawyer, Nadia Liva, said that her client is “very concerned” and “we are currently investigating the tweets, which were not authored by Mr. Da Silva.”

There’s a report on the Canadian legal community’s reaction to the affair at the Trial Warrior Blog.

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