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End Of The Day Round-Up

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“Barrister quotes Shakespeare while trying to chat up attractive Probation officer. Didn’t catch the quote, too busy vomiting” [Court News via Twitter]

Lord McAlpine raises prospect of legal action over false abuse allegations [The Guardian]

Lawyer’s Craigslist ad for ‘friendly artist’ almost certainly a thinly-veiled invitation to live-in threesome [Gawker]

39 Essex Street in ‘advanced discussions’ with 30 4-5 Gray’s Inn members [The Lawyer]

Source tells me the appeal against the six months sentence for Trenton Oldfield for disrupting boat race has been abandoned [David Allen Green via Twitter]

Judge critical of defence barrister during conviction appeal hearing [South Wales Evening Post]

Former City lawyer Patrick Raggett wins £54,000 damages after suffering years of abuse at Jesuit-run school [The Independent]

Mum broke into solicitor’s office to look at files [Daily Post]

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