BPP University Law School

The Legal Cheek View

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


BPP University Law School currently has campuses at the following locations:

  • Birmingham – all courses
  • Bristol – all courses except for the Barrister Training Course (& Master’s)
  • Cambridge – all courses except for the Barrister Training Courses
  • Leeds – all courses
  • London Holborn – all courses except for law conversion courses
  • London Waterloo – only law conversion courses
  • Manchester – all courses

BPP’s courses can also be studied online.

In BPP's own words


Law Conversion Courses


This course was introduced as an alternative to the GDL, for those without law degrees who wish to embark on a career in law. It covers a range of core legal modules such as company law, contract law, criminal law, land law, public law, tort law, trusts law.

• Full-time (8 months): available in Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds, London Waterloo, Manchester, online
• Part-time (20 months): available in London Waterloo, online
• Cost: £13,400 London Waterloo, £10,700 outside London or online


SQE1 Preparation

This course is designed for students with an existing undergraduate law degree or law conversion course. It focuses on building the Functional Legal Knowledge (FLK) needed to pass SQE1, which includes contract, tort, criminal law, land law, trusts, as well as new concepts such as business law and practice, dispute resolution, criminal law and practice, property law and practice, and wills and the administration of estates. You can also take BPP’s SQE1 Preparation (Self-study) course which can be used to prepare for the SQE1 completely online and at your own pace.

• Full-time (4 months): available in Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds, London Holborn, Manchester, or online
• Part-time (9 months): available online
• Cost: £6,500 London Holborn, £5,500 outside London and online

SQE2 Preparation

This course is for those who have passed SQE1 and wish to proceed to SQE2. Unlike SQE1 Preparation, this course is only available online.

• Flexible structure: includes a period of independent study followed by an intensive 8-10 day coaching course
• Cost: £4,000


This course provides you with all the knowledge needed to pass SQE1 and SQE2. It includes SQE1 Preparation, SQE2 Training, as well as Essentials for Practice, a module which helps you to develop additional legal knowledge beyond the core SQE curriculum.

• Full-time (12 months): available in Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds, London Holborn, Manchester, or online
• Part-time (24 months): available online
• Cost: £14,600 London Holborn, £12,400 outside London and online

SQE1&2 Diploma

This course prepares you for both SQE exams.

• Full-time (8 months): available in Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds, London Holborn, Manchester, or online
• Part-time (16 months): available online
• Cost: £12,100 London Holborn, £10,300 outside London and online


Legal Practice Course (LPC) and LLM

Those who wish to qualify as a solicitor can take either the LPC or LLM (includes a master’s qualification) after their undergraduate degree. The course focuses on the key practice areas of business law and practice, property law and practice and litigation (civil and criminal). It also offers a range of elective modules, including corporate finance, debt finance, employment law, equity finance, family law, international trade and transactions, and private acquisitions. Students will be assessed using a range of methods, including written examinations, coursework and presentations.

• Full-time (9 months): available in Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds, London Holborn, Manchester, or online
• Part-time (18-24 months): available in Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds, London Holborn, Manchester, or online
• Fast track (7 months)
• Cost: £19,300 London Holborn, £15,200 Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge and online, £14,200 Leeds and Manchester

Bar Course

BPP offers a range of Barrister Training Courses (BTCs):

• Barrister Training Course
• Barrister Training Course (Master’s)
• Barrister Training Course with Professional Legal Studies
• Barrister Training Course with Professional Legal Studies (Master’s)

Each one provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to qualify as a barrister and commence pupillage. These courses are assessed using a variety of methods, including Bar Standards Board (BSB) centralised assessments, coursework, and exams. They are also available at a variety of locations (see our locations tab for further information).

Barrister Training Course 

• Full-time (9 months): available in Birmingham, Leeds, London Holborn, Manchester
• Part-time (24 months): available in London Holborn
• Cost: £15,900 London Holborn, £14,800 outside London

Barrister Training Course (Master’s)

• Full-time (12 months): available in Birmingham, Leeds, London Holborn, Manchester
• Part-time (27 months): available in London Holborn
• Cost: £17,100 London Holborn, £15,500 outside London

Barrister Training Course with Professional Legal Studies

• Full-time (12 months): available in Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, London Holborn, Manchester
• Cost: £15,900 London Holborn, £14,800 outside London

Barrister Training Course with Professional Legal Studies (Masters)

• Full-time (12 months): available in Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, London Holborn, Manchester
• Cost: £17,100 London, £15,500 outside London