Legal Cheek

9 hateful Daily Mail comments about lawyers prompted by the illegal cycling of Justine Thornton

Further proof that Mail readers really, really hate lawyers

Ed Miliband’s barrister wife, Justine Thornton, was yesterday skewered by the Daily Mail for breaking “countless cycling laws” on her commute to and from 39 Essex Chambers in the Temple.

As ever, it was the reader comments on the Mail Online version of the story that proved most entertaining — and revealing about middle England’s attitude to lawyers.

Not to be trusted

Wants to ruin Britain



Conspiring to line their pockets through strategic marriages


Bereft of ability

Lawyers don’t give a toss about law

Slipping standards

Justine Miliband veers to the right… and breaks countless cycling laws in the process! Ed’s barrister wife risks thousands in fines after multiple road offences [Mail Online]

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