Legal Cheek

12 famous cases in emoticons

There is a Twitter account which is telling the story of English cases through the medium of emoticons. Here are 12 classics…

R v Brown (legendary sadomasochistic sex case)

Donoghue v Stevenson (something about snails and ginger beer)

United Brands Co v Commission of European Union (the ‘banana case’)

Partridge v Crittenden (adverts are invitations to treat)

R v Velumyl (the intention to permanently deprive)

R v Lipman (voluntary intoxication not being a defence to manslaughter)

Revill v Newbery (the old man in the shed and the defence of ex turpi causa)

Hollywood Silver Fox Farm v Emmett (fragile foxes protected by law of nuisance from neighbour’s malice)

McFarlane v Tayside Health Board (the vasectomy that never was)

Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking (Lord Denning Court of Appeal exclusion clause classic)

R v Secretary of State for Transport, Ex parte Factortame Ltd (No.1) (constitutionally momentous Spanish fisherman case)

Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co (unforgettable contract dispute generated by flu prevention gadget)

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